Out Of The Glow is an hour-long nostalgiafest every 1st and 2nd Sunday at 5pm. It delves deep into archives from the English-speaking world of broadcasting. Hear interviews, talks, segments from film musicals, serials, radio comedies and documentaries; excerpts from plays, quizzes and panel shows; sports commentaries, religious programming, readings, commercials, jingles and old news events.
Host Paul Featherstone is a veteran of NZ community radio, with a background of almost 20 years specialising in devising, producing and presenting documentaries on a number of topics.
Although Paul was first involved with Plains FM in 1989, it wasn’t until 2006 when Out Of The Glow was born. An enthusiastic radio and TV memorabilia collector, Paul wanted to make a programme that was different to other nostalgia programmes on the radio. He saw a niche for a focus on the spoken word, rather than the music. Paul also wanted to make a programme where the presenter would take a secondary role to the excerpt, in order to encourage the listener to fully engage and in turn, recall their own personal feelings and memories associated with that era.
In 2007 Out of The Glow was a finalist in the Best Community and Access category (Spoken) in the New Zealand Radio Awards.
It’s a real blast from the past so don’t miss it Dear Listener.