Conscious Catalysts is a series of kōrero to share stories of people who are living and learning intentionally so that they might provoke and catalyse systems change. The series shares the lived experiences of LinC’s Te Whāriki team members, intersectional leaders exploring and activating the intersections of their identity to provoke systems change.
It has been developed as a collaboration between Leadership Lab’s Rourou project, Te Whāriki project and PlainsFM.
Conscious Catalysts is part of Rourou Conversations; in-depth conversations, kōrero, that highlight inequity, amplify marginalised voices for advocacy and provoke system change.
This series is a Leadership Lab Rourou initiative.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will be fed.
The Rourou project hosts spaces to listen to contemporary voices, to collaborate with others, and to address gnarly issues.
Leadership Lab is a collective of passionate and diverse consultants all focused on growing equitable and thriving communities and organisations.
Previous series under Rourou Conversations include:
Becoming Tangata Tiriti
Digital Divide
People of Puāwai
Gender Health Justice
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